Day 6 offers two options. The shorter route (19 km) can be reached without a lunch break. The only sights are the demolished buildings of the Roodi mansion . As the main option, we recommend a longer route with a lunch stop at the Libatse store (22 km). The Libatse food market offers shopping opportunities and there is a coffee maker in the store, a toilet and tables for sitting in front of the store. From Libatse the trail continues along the village paths before crossing the Via Baltica again at Pärnu-Jaagupi . Jacob ‘s Church in Pärnu-Jaagupi offers accommodation in the vicarage and in the parish house.
Please find below itinerary (walking directions, accommodation, dining, sightseeing and other information) in a pdf fail as well as daily trail track log.
Day 6 track log files (kml and gpx): 6_Kivi_Vigala_Parnu_Jaagupi.kml, 6_Kivi_Vigala_Parnu_Jaagupi.gpx
Day 6 track in map:
Day 6 track in map (alternative, more nature, no settlements: