Compostela is a pilgrimage certificate issued today by the Pilgrim’s Office in Santiago de Compostela. The first Compostels were issued in the Middle Ages.
Minimum requirements for obtaining Compostela: 100 km of walking, as evidenced by two stamps per day in the pilgrim’s passport, or 200 kilometres of cycling, as evidenced by two stamps per day. The pilgrimage must end in Santiago de Compostela. It must also be confirmed that the pilgrimage was, at least in part, for religious reasons. It is also possible to obtain a simpler certificate of non-religious travel.
Other pilgrimage offices near large cathedrals sometimes issue Compostela. The texts are different. There is no corresponding institution in Estonia.
Original text on Spanish Compostela:
CAPITULUM huius Almae Apostolicae et Metropolitanae Ecclesiae Compostellanae sigilli Altaris Beati Jacobi Apostoli custos, ut omnibus Fidelibus et Perigrinis ex toto terrarum Orbe, devotionis affectu vel voti causa, ad limina Apostoli Nostri Hispaniarum Patroni ac Tutelaris SANCTI JACOBI convenientibus, authenticas visitationis litteras expediat, omnibus et singulis praesentes inspecturis, notum facit : (Latin version of name of recipient)
Hoc sacratissimum Templum pietatis causa devote visitasse. In quorum fidem praesentes litteras, sigillo ejusdem Sanctae Ecclesiae munitas, ei confero.
Datum Compostellae die (day) mensis (month) anno Dei (year)
Canonicus Deputatus pro Peregrinis
The English translation:
The CHAPTER of this holy apostolic and metropolitan Church of Compostela, guardian of the seal of the Altar of the blessed Apostle James, in order that it may provide authentic certificates of visitation to all the faithful and to pilgrims from all over the earth who come with devout affection or for the sake of a vow to the shrine of our Apostle St. James, the patron and protector of Spain, hereby makes known to each and all who shall inspect this present document that [Name]
has visited this most sacred temple for the sake of pious devotion. As a faithful witness of these things I confer upon him [or her] the present document, authenticated by the seal of the same Holy Church.
Given at Compostela on the [day] of the month of [month] in the year of the Lord [year].
Deputy Canon for Pilgrims